Some folks see a snowy forecast and visualize a snow shovel. My mind’s eye sees a spatula instead. What better excuse to reacquaint yourself with your pots and pans then a long weekend bookended by snowstorms? The beauty of this forecast? The farmer’s market with all the lovely fresh ingredients it has to offer falls between the two, and before the heavier snowfall, so you can come stock up on everything you need. Now that’s culinary kismet.

I’m already thinking ahead to Sunday’s breakfast: French toast made with challah bread from Wave Hill Breads and eggs from Stone & Thistle. Or, you can pick up a selection of scones from New Castle Scone or gluten-free bagels from Bohemian Baked. Make sure to pick up some cider from Treelicious so your kids will cozy up by the fire with you. This farm comes from two hours away so icy roads may prevent them from coming on Saturday. Worry not, award-winning chocolatier Luxx Chocolat is here this Saturday with her hot cocoa, as well.

Make sure to pick up some salad greens, harvested Friday. And some potatoes, rutabaga, turnips and carrots for all of your snow soup needs.
If you have a busy day tomorrow grab some brunch/lunch from Three Little Pigs bbq or from Mrs. D’s. or a Korean Bulgogi platter from Kimchi Culture. If you shovel your driveway in the morning before you come to the market, you will have earned that Brooklyn Biscuit breakfast.
See you at the market!
Although we are just starting our winter markets, behind the scenes, we are already planning for the spring and summer vendor line-up. Please take a few minutes to fill out our survey if you haven’t done so already.